Why be a mother?


This title has the potential to offend some readers. They could feel that to question the whys of motherhood is akin to questioning the whys of breathing. They could say, ‘you draw air to live, you mother to have life’.

A nice thought, but in the mundane and in the sleepless nights, the question sometimes still tickles the corners of our minds.

When the terrible twos strike and never seem to leave, or when tantrums transition into the feared teenage years, our desire for children may seem illogical.

And maybe it is. Perhaps love is always illogical. But is it undeserved?

Who is worthy of love?

Is it determined by our deeds or our wealth or our potential?

We hope not.

Instead, we hope love is our birthright.

If we agree to be loved is to be human, then maybe motherhood exists to convey to the next generation their importance. We acknowledge that our love for our children is not based on merit. We love them without condition because they belong to us.

In that same way, our Creator first proved His love for us because we belong to Him.

“But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: while we were still sinners Christ died for us” (Romans 5:8)

Why embark on the journey of mothering?

The answer must be to show love.

Plus, little kids are really cute.