What a wonderful world


There are many yucky things in this world. I could recount them, but I think you are acutely aware of the problems.

Thankfully, this world is also full of beauty. Nature is the most common example. Soaring redwoods, frothy beaches, and snowcapped mountains captivate our attention and shift our perspectives.

The people in our lives bring us joy. Whether it is our parents, or spouse, or children or extended family, an iPhone picture of our loved ones positively impacts our day. We feel compelled to share that sunshine smile with others, which is probably why social media has taken over the world.

Even food can mesmerize us. The Food Network has taught us that cooking and baking is edible artistry. Blow torches and paint brushes are apparently common place in high end restaurants.

Just this morning, my children demonstrated another kind of beauty. After my three year old tattled on her sister for not putting the puzzle together correctly, she quickly realized kindness was more effective than name calling. Cooperation led to a completed project.

Uh oh! They were supposed to be playing together, but I hear her crying again.

If only all beautiful things could last!