The gun show


America is unfazed by death. No, that is incorrect. America is numb to gun violence. Hmmm...closer to the truth. America is in a choke hold and can no longer appreciate its own indifference to mass shootings. Yeah, I think that is it. Maybe?

I guess I am unsure why a nation holds their guns tighter than their perception of safety. I suppose we could blame it on the second amendment or gun lobbyists or ignorance, and we would not be wrong. But I suspect there is a more nuanced answer we are missing.

It seems that Americans are locked into their positions and hold them closer than facts. A child’s death is easy to dismiss when it does not seem personal. Dismiss is not quite accurate. Tip toe around, I suppose?

Politicians are crafty. Their coached messages tell the electorate the problem is the crazy people, not the guns. It befuddles me how they suggest it is impossible to have a multifaceted approach to something as significant as kids getting killed. We have multi-pronged approaches to items as mundane as property taxes. Yet when it comes to saving innocent lives we need to stop at one measure.

Clearly the talking points are meant to distract, delay and ultimately avoid any tough conversations on minimizing access to assault caliber weapons.

Yes, we have a mental health crisis in this country. Too many people struggle to access the care they deserve and need. That is shameful. It is equally shameful to ignore the impact of guns on our society in order to maintain alliances with special interest groups.

There’s an old Robert Redford movie called The Candidate. Redford’s character initially agrees to run for public office with an intention to lose. His purpose is to spark discussion on public policy items that matter, not to win an election. But alas, the tidal force of power consumes his soul. He wins the campaign but his agenda items are lost.

How unfortunate that Redford knew in the 70’s a truism that voters still cannot grasp today.

Most politicians run for themselves. Policies are for elections not for the people.

Does this sound too cynical?

Let’s revisit the topic after the next shooting.