The future's night light


I often worry that my generation is on the wrong side of history. It seems that fear, ignorance and isolationism sweeps up those of us with genuine good hearts and transports us to a dark place. A vortex engulfs us and makes it impossible to differentiate up from down, left from right, and wrong from...well right. I doubt many people in 1930s Germany anticipated being captured in history as the greatest villains of their time, and yet...they are.

I believe the strongest response to darkness is light. Daybreak with its array of colors comforts us. We must reframe fear with reassurance, answer ignorance with education, and break apart isolationism with belonging. By having a powerful counterpunch to darkness we equip instead of finger-point. The early twentieth century Germans did not have the lens of history to shine into their night, but we do. The light of history has the power to illuminate the future.