My boyz


My parents were kind enough to give me the gift of siblings. I have two older brothers that have been apart of my life since I took my first breath.

They are fantastic people. Both are devoted husbands and fathers. They have big hearts full of love. They cherish their rich lives.

However, my brothers and I have few other unifying traits. Our dissimilarities outnumber any commonalities. We see the world differently and our daily lives reflect this. Not just in career paths or child raising, but in our inability to move beyond small talk in family gatherings. My mom frequently comments she has three children that neither act or look the same.

Despite our differences, we have a tight bond. Our relationship is not based on constant contact, but instead more: ‘call me when you are in trouble and I am already there.’ Like every other family, we have experienced some crises, but we come together and fight for each other when life is against us.

I need them to know that they are appreciated and loved. Even though our lives cross less frequently, they have created inedible marks in my heart.

My family helped shape me into the person I am today. Admittedly, my parents had the greatest impact on my future, but my brothers also played a critical role in my development. I suspect that I am stronger, more thoughtful and have a broader perspective because of their influence.

I am exceedingly thankful to have two big brothers who always got my back.

I love you both!