How to be a professional


My best friend in graduate school innately understood the rhythms of life. She consistently showed up on time for everything. Everything!

Unfortunately, I was not blessed with her skill set. For me, time is more of a suggestion than a concrete idea.

I wish the world I lived in functioned more like me and less like my friend but I know it does not.

Of course, I do try to be punctual. I appreciate that it is a highly respected and valued piece of professionalism.

It just seems that my attempts are always a

I start out early and maybe even reach my destination early, but then disaster inevitably strikes.

Since I left home at twilight, I suddenly have a parched throat, growling tummy or full bladder.

I take the tiniest of detours and without warning the cushion of time vanishes. My phone admonishes me that I am tardy, again.

Alas, the good news is I am not alone. My work functions similarly to me. If my last appointment is 11:30, I can bet my bottom dollar, noon is rolling around before I see my client.

I guess I could be more strict with late policies. Yet it is tough to judge a behavior that I also struggle to improve upon. The Bible has that whole verse about the speck and the plank.

“You hypocrite.” (It is already starting out a little rough.) “...first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.”


I do have a plank eye.

But removing it is a bit tricky.

I will just stick to seeing people a little late.