Childhood nightmares


Do you remember when you were little and the worst part of your day was nap time? It was so awful that your parents never even used the three letter word. They would either spell it out to each other or pantomime sleeping with their hands.

Sleeping frustrated you so much because it rudely disrupted your play time. Parents would say “Oh buddy, are you afraid of missing out on something?” No! You were not afraid you would miss out, you KNEW you were missing out. The barbies and GI joes needed some exercise. This was their window, sleep was a waste.

Fast forward twenty years and you have a newfound respect for nap time. It seems that sleep was not a punishment but rather the most delightful treat your parents had ever known. They were trying to shower you with love, but you misinterpreted it as a fight.

Sleep is refreshing, luxurious, and decadent. It is sweeter than the richest chocolate and more appealing than the finest bouquet of roses.

For the first time, you understand the longing parents have for one night of uninterrupted sleep. When that is not possible, a few winks during the day could be your salvation.

But what has happened?

Now you have your own kiddos who refuse naps with a full throated, glass-shattering operatic intensity. You have become the helpless bystander who tries to pour out a life sustaining blessing on your children, only to be met with disdain.

Do not lose hope!

Twenty years from now, they will see the gift.

But for now, consider investing in ear plugs.