A better place


A popular trend in clothing is to wear T-shirt’s with slogans encouraging us to do more and be better.

“Be the change, you wish to see”
“Inhale inspiration, exhale doubt”
“Let your smile change the world, but don’t let the world change your smile”
“I was born to change the world”

Honestly, a walk through Target is exhausting. I feel like I attended a weekend work retreat. Maybe they will start having trust falls at the checkout counter?

I am kidding of course. I do think this is a good time to focus on the positives and “being a good human.” We certainly see plenty of examples of the alternative.

But sometimes I wonder if it is too much. There’s a song by Josh Wilson that I adore. It’s called Dream Small. It talks about being okay with the small jobs because every job is significant. He tells us big dreams are fantastic but so are the not so big ones. Loving the people God gave you and finding ways to care for your community is meaningful.

I believe that each of us are granted with specific traits, families, experiences that shape us into the people that push our world forward. Although the super specialized talents are overly hyped in our society, they do not have more value.

Maybe the T-shirt we need says,

“I find humor in every situation”
“I am patient even during tantrums”
“I wait very well at the morning bus stop”

That’s right! You strut your talented self.